Wednesday, July 18, 2007

One normal day

Ok. Here it comes. A normal day of my life. This is like the basic routine, what I do mostly every day. It will probably be very boring, but I have provided many pictures to make it a little more interesting. And this is like still in the 'beta' phase of a project. In case you were wondering, there are no naked pictures of me. I only make those for special requests.

The alarm clock goes off, I snooze it.

The alarm clock went off again, so I snooze it, but this time I get up because I don't want to be late for work. I push the comforter away from me, growning because I don't want to get up. It's the feeling I have every morning when before I take a shower, which is why the first thing I do when I wake up is take a shower, it totally wakes me up. I don't believe in that caffeine thing.

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Well, I took a shower and all that other cool stuff. When I get out of the bathroom, I notice on my desk some papers I had to sign and drop off at work. So I go like shit, I forgot about that. So I try to get dressed, check my emails and prepare breakfast before 8:55 so I can drop off the papers (the office opens at 9am), and still be on time for work. Which I actually am very good at compared to everyone else. I am always there at 9am sharp, and I am almost every time the first one there. Shit, even the supervisors get there at 9:15 lol.

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I look at the clock, 8:51am. Fuck me! I will be late for work, quick, run! So I make my breakfast faster than Lindsey Lohan getting down on a penis, right? And I put everything in my bag but then I forgot, the stupid picture. Ok everything out of the bag and on the table, take the picture rapidly.

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I get to the office of Residence Life. It still hasn't opened. Oh who cares, no one will notice if I get to work 5minutes late. Whatever. So the director of ResLife gets there and opens the office. But not before I take my lovely picture of the office closed.

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Next thing I know its like 9am already and I put the papers where they belong, everything lovely, no time for picture all that cool stuff.

So I am heading to the castle, and I stop for a picture. I love taking pictures of the castle, I have like a million of them, but I don't think I am in one of those pictures. I should take more pictures of me.

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The office I am heading to, you can actually see. It's the one on the left on the 3rd floor where the 2 windows and the air conditioner are. My other job is the 3 windows on the top of the castle. The 2 small windows at the very very top is the attic. And that place is really scary. Specially at night, I've been there cause I have keys to up there, and trust me, it's not that cool. But I feel special, cause almost nobody has had the opportunity to be up there. Well, anyways carry on.

I get on the elvator and press 3R, the 3rd floor but the right side of the elevator. The way the elevator works, is that it leads you to 2 parts of the castle. So it has 2 doors, one in the front one in the back.

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As expected, nobody is there yet. Completely empty. I am the first one there, horray mission accomplished!

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So anyways, I sit down start munching on my breakfast and my supervisor gets there and hands me in some sheets I have to do some data clearing in the system.

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But not to be confused, at the same time I work I am also eating my breakfast. I am smart. See I have the capability of doing two things at twice with no problem. Sometimes three things, sometimes four. But I limit myself. Well, here I show my breakfast being eaten, as my supervisor asks me "why the hell you taking pictures of everything", so I was like "shuttup bitch mind your own business" right? Well not really, but I told her I was doing a storyline of today's day and she gave me the look so I gave her some Cptn Crunch and sent her off her way. I love my supervisor, she is so cool.

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Well, the morning is gone working on those 3 sheets, thats all I did for the whole morning. Of course, I failed to mention that between 9:15 and 9:30am a couple other co-workers joined me. And of course, the sign in at 9am. Lol. Only in Admissions....
So I head down to Residence Life, which is where I work from 12 to 2.

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I am continuing where I left off the last day. And that is, data entry. I put in Application for Residency files in the computer. Which pretty much looks like this:

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And well as expected, that is all I did from 12 to 2

So me and other 2 RD's (Resident Directors) decide to go to 'The Pub' where you can buy food on campus, and it's pretty much the only place you can go during the summer here. I took this way:

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I ordered myself a grilled chicken sandwhich with french fries and a Soda. And Orbit bubblegum, which is supposed to be sugar free. Like I care.

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Well, after eating all my meal and chatting with the two RD's, I decide to take a picture of what once used to be my sandwhich.

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I head back to Admissions, where I work until 5pm. There was nothing to do that was important, other than data clearing and telecounceling. So that's what I did all afternoon. In the middle of the afternoon I remembered that I had bought Orbit bubble gum and hadn't had any yet. So I ate a piece.

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I look at the clock, but it's only 4:30pm, it's not time to go yet.

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Well the supervisor said that we could go early.

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So I open the drawer and put my paperwork back into my folder and all that stuff.

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So around 5pm I head over to the Tenney Communication studio, because I have to pickup some equipment for a video I have to film. The computers there are really awesome, when I used to do video editing for my class, I used to do it in this computer so I took a picture of it:

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It was nice there, because they have an amazing air conditioner because all the computers in there make the room hot and all that. Well anyways, I took the camera and tripod out, and took it to my room.

I get to my room and put down the equipment. And that was very heavy, I might add. It sucks to carry the equipment by yourself.

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Anyways, not one day goes by that I don't play my guitar, so I had to take a picture of that. At the time also the camera was yelling for new batteries. But I managed with the dying batteries to transfer the pictures to my computer, so at the end it was all a happy ending.

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Ayi :) said...

yo tambien quiero trabajar en un castillo :/

Carolina said...

I loved reading you, it was very nice. I thought into doing that myself, i thinks its very original!! :)

GirlFromSantiago said...

Yes, more pics of you, less of the castillo. The board likes to see pictures of cute faces (the board is me.)

What an awesome way to portray your day... Horray!!

GirlFromSantiago said...

Hola, Feo...

Marnely Rodriguez-Murray said...

so all u eat all day is catain crunch, a sandwich and gum? mmm...tsk more yummy things!

GirlFromSantiago said...

Luis, thanks for your kind words...

GirlFromSantiago said...

Dude, where have you been? I hope everything's great with you, and that we can get in touch soon :) I have news! Take care!!